Our achievements

Crèche Rondin Picotin, Onex

Complete redevelopment of the play area, with the main aim of eliminating asphalt areas as far as possible.


Parc du Lignon, Vernier

Replacement of the existing playground equipment with a giant rocket and shock-absorbing surfacing for the enjoyment of future young astronauts.


Place Montbennon, Lausanne

Complete creation of a new playground with a gigantic climbing/balancing structure, topped off with a breathtaking view of the lake.


Ecole du Lignon, Vernier

Complete refurbishment of the various play areas in the school playground.


Fleurimage Park, Versoix

Replacement of all the park's play areas, with the addition of a new area dedicated to swings.


Route de Founex, Céligny

A complete overhaul of the park, with the installation of picnic furniture, fitness equipment and a street workout structure for the sports area, as well as numerous games for the youngest visitors.


Route du Mandement, Satigny

Creation of a new play area with water games and an artificial river, including games and furniture in natural wood.


Crèche Nouveau Prieuré, Chêne-Bougeries

Complete refurbishment of the two outdoor play areas for children at the crèche.


Promenade Jean-Treina, Geneva

Replacement of the shock-absorbing surface on the "Grands" play area and complete refurbishment of the "Petits" play area.


Center Sportif de Rouelbeau, Meinier

Creation of a sports area with a workout structure and fitness equipment.

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