
A traditional and timeless game, swings occupy a privileged place in playgrounds, promoting the development of children's muscles, sense of rhythm and balance.

Top Jeux offers a wide range of traditional and horizontal swings, in different materials and with different seat types: bird's nest, baby, PMR, etc.

Here are just a few examples of the many possibilities.

Swing 1

Swing 2

Swing 3

Swing 4

Swing 5

Swing 6

Swing 7

Swing 8

Swing 9

Swing 10

Swing 11

Swing 12

Swing 13

Swing 14

Swing 15

Swing 16

Swing 17

Swing 18

Swing 19

Swing 20

Download our information sheet on swings

A few examples of our work

Fleurimage Park, Versoix

Replacement of all the park's play areas, with the addition of a new area dedicated to swings.


Rue du Loup, Onex

Complete redevelopment of the condominium playground.


Ecole du Lignon, Vernier

Complete refurbishment of the various play areas in the school playground.
